Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for the All Stakeholders:


D.R. Mane Mahavidyalaya, Kagal was established in June 1984 by The Kagal Education Society founded by Lt. Y.D. Mane.  There were only 49 students in 1984.  This now has reached to nearby 4000.  The college has been developed as a multi faculty college- Arts, Commerce and Science along with M.Com., Junior wing and MCVC.  The college is catering the educational needs of the students of Kagal and surrounding 37 villages.

Objectives of the Code of Conduct:

  • To provide guidelines for the different stakeholders to uphold the honor and dignity of the educational field.
  • To help in achieving the mission, vision and goals of the college. 
  • Ethical values influencing the standard of teaching, knowledge, skill, competence and conduct:
  • Respect for human values, freedom, democracy, secularism, equality and social justice, diversity and environment.
  • Integrity : Honesty, reliability and moral action are embodied in integrity.  The staff should exercise integrity through their professional commitments, responsibilities and actions.
  • Trust : embodies fairness, openness and honesty.  It should be the base for the relationships between different stakeholders.
  • Care : The stakeholders' practice is motivated by the best interests of the students through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.

For Principal

  • The Principal should provide inspirational and motivational value based academic and administrative leadership to the college through policy formation, operational management, optimization of human resources and concern for environment and sustainability.
  • The Principal of decentralization and participative management should be followed in the administrative work.
  • The Principal should look after the effective implementation of e-governance in the different areas of administration.
  • The Principal should give proper representation considering social inclusiveness and refrain from considerations of caste, creed, religion, race and gender.
  • Conduct himself / herself with transparency, fairness, honesty, highest degree of ethics and decision making that is in the best interest of the college.
  • Should promote the collaborative, shared and consultative work culture in the college, so that it brings about quality, professionalism, satisfaction and service to the society.
  • The Principal shall fulfill his / her lawful duties and obligations to all the stakeholders.
  • The Principal should ensure welfare of the staff and students with respect to the rights of the staff and students.
  • Shall take responsible action to protect staff and students from conditions harmful to health and safety.
  • Should keep the interest of the college above the personal and should manage the private affairs in a manner consistent with the dignity of the profession.

For Teachers': The faculty should,

  • Seek to make professional growth continuously through study and research.
  • A teacher should teach in such a manner that respects the dignity and rights of all persons without prejudice of cast, creed, gender language and religion.
  • A teacher  is responsible for analyzing needs, prescribing and carrying out educational programs with updated knowledge and high quality with the use of ICT and evaluating progress of students
  • A teacher may not delegate his or her responsibilities to any person who is not a teacher and should act co-operatively and collectively.
  • A teacher should act with honesty and integrity of their work and punctuality.
  • A teacher should avoid conflicts between professional and private, interest which could affect the professional ethics.
  • A teacher should respect the privacy of others and confidential information confessed by the colleagues and the students.
  •  A teacher should not engage in activities, which adversely affects the professional qualities.
  • A teacher should integrate his teaching, learning with his or her research and human values.
  • Every teacher should take and follow the oath given by Ex-president Late Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and always keep in mind the letter by Abraham Linkan to the students.
  • He / She should act in such a way that helps in fostering the national values like national unity, secularism, democracy, socialism, scientific attitude, independence etc.
  • Discourage and not indulge in plagiarism and other non ethical behavior in teaching and research.

For Students:

  • Students shall abide by the rules and regulations of the college and behave in way that highlights the discipline of the college.
  • A six-day working schedule from Monday to Saturday is followed.   The classes are scheduled stream wise.  The students shall attend the national anthem prayer on every Monday and the classes punctually.
  • Students should complete mandatory 80% attendance required as part of eligibility.
  •  No student shall enter or leave the classroom when the session is on without the permission of teachers.
  • Students should produce leave note signed by their parent at the time of absence.
  • The students shall give respect to teaching and non teaching staff.
  • The students should not be involved in ragging acts.
  • The students should not get involved in eve teasing and behave disrespectfully with the girl students and women in the campus.
  • Students should strictly carry identity cards in the campus and students should not use cell phone in the classroom.
  • Students should read notices daily displayed on board.
  • Students should participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities as per their interest reported in the admission form.
  • Students should follow the rules of internal as well as university examinations.
  • Students should follow rules made by library Gymkhana, NCC, NSS etc.
  • Students should be eco-friendly by involving in practices.

For Non-Teaching Staff : The non-teaching staff should

  • Insist on timely presence of himself and others and completion of the assigned duties.
  • Take prior approval of the seniors for your absence.
  • Keep the note of all credits and debits of the college and complete the account ledger and cashbook daily and keep the balance cash in safe.
  • Use public money carefully and insist others to the same.
  • Deposits the fees of the college as and when collected.
  • Do not use institutional property for personal use.
  • Always take decision after discussion with your colleagues and give suggestions to the college if any to bring integrity in institutional work.
  • Feel proud and happy while obeying the orders of the seniors and take efforts to identify and remove flaws in regular behavior and language.
  • Give up bad habits which are observable by students and give emphasis on social work apart from regular duties.
  • Be cooperative with others and a part of joy and sorrows of the colleagues working in the college. 
  • For Parent : The Parents should
  • Ensure that the students attend the college regularly and fulfill the criterion of 80% presence of the students in the college.
  • Ensure that the students remain engaged in study competing home assignments, project work etc.
  • Attend that students participate in sports, cultural activities, educational tours etc.