Generals Rules regarding Discipline of the students
It is essential that the student attends classes from the day of commencement of classes to the last day of each term during each academic year.
Student must be regular in attendance for theory classes and lab practical. In case the attendance shortfalls with 75% for each, the term will not be granted, and will not be allowed to appear for the University examination.
The student should complete all the term work such as Journals, Drawing Sheets, Workshop, Midterm and End Term exams, Tutorials or any other assignment those delivered as per schedule.
Students must maintain punctuality while attending all the theory and practical classes. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against those students who fail to attend the tests, practical, tutorials or theory classes.
The students should regularly attend all co-curricular activities of the college like lectures, examinations, physical education demonstrations, various programs of NSS, NCC etc.
Students must put-on college I-Card every day without fail in college Premises. While entering into the college premises, it is necessary to keep on the self-identity card by each student. The identity card should be shown on the demand of the Principal, teachers and by any administrative staff of the college.
The students should wear the Identity card all the time in college campus. The breach of this rule will lead to the penalty of Rs. 50/.
Students are not allowed to use mobile during theory classes and Lab Practical.
Student and parents should specially note that if the student fails to complete the term work regularly and to the entire satisfaction of the Head of the Department, his/her term will not be granted and will not be allowed to appear for the University examination.
The student should note that he/she is responsible to the authorities of the Institute not only for his / her conduct in the premises of the Institute but also for his / her general behavior outside.
Any reported or observed objectionable conduct within or outside the premises of the Institute, will make him/her liable for strict disciplinary action.
Student should not participate in any political and antisocial activities.
Students should not establish any Board or committee in the college without the written permission of the Principal or concerned committee. It is not allowed to organize mutual trips or other visits without the written permission of the Principal. Strict action will be taken against the concerned student.
Student should help in maintaining the buildings and the campus of the Institute clean and tidy.
Any direct/indirect involvement or encouragement by a student leading to ragging or related activity will automatically result in expelling the student from the institute immediately without any consideration.
All Parents should strictly attend the Parent and Teacher meet per semester, to get the idea about student progress.
Campus always records all its movements with CCTV camera for any misbehavior of the student.
Statutory rules regarding Discipline of the students
- Rules regarding Shivaji University Examinations
Regarding the University Gazette 14th Oct 1982, during the University Examination, it is strictly prohibited for misappropriation of such copy and bullying. (Shivaji University Letter from Examination / 16 dated March 10, 2003). Students who are involved in misappropriation, such as copy, bullying etc. at the time of the examination of the University, will be sued, if he is taking part or misbehaving or promoting it. After conviction, such student or student shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term of six months or a fine of up to five hundred rupees or both.
Rules Regarding Prohibition of Consumption of Tobacco & Gutkha & Prohibition of Smoking- Tobacco, gutkha consumption and ban order
From the Honorable Supreme Court, New Delhi The order of Ri./Pi. Civil No. 136/1999, circular of the Government of Maharashtra dated 24/12/2002 and the letter of instruction of the Director (Higher Education) of Pune letter no. 32827 / PR / U.M.V./1 dated 31/03/2015. 2003, it is strictly forbidden to use the tobacco, gutkha, smoking, or to store such substances in colleges and colleges in the area of 100 meters. Students and students who are consuming/smiling or stocking or promoting such substance, such students and students will be removed from the college.